Cloud Geography
A .Net client to retrieve Countries, Languages, and Currencies information.
The .Net client is built on .Net Standard so it supports Windows, Windows Store, Windows Phone, Mono, and Xamarin.
The easiest way it could possibly be, developers don't even have to read the documentation to start implementation.
Backend API is deployed on Microsoft Azure latest technology services.
.Net client is using HTTPS requests to retrieve data from the backend API.
.Net client has implemented an integrated caching so developers don't have to.
.Net client and backend API are both built using best practices as lead developers would expect.
The easiest way it could possibly be
CloudGeography cloudGeography = new CloudGeography();
List<CountryCurrency> currencies = await cloudGeography.Currencies.GetByCountryAsync("USA");
check out more on NuGet
using AngryMonkey.Cloud;
using AngryMonkey.Cloud.Geography;
CloudGeography cloudGeography = new CloudGeography();
Get Data
// Get all available countries
List<Country> countries = await cloudGeography.Countries.GetAllAsync();
// Get multiple countries by their 2 or 3 letters code
List<Country> countries = await cloudGeography.Countries.GetAsync("USA", "CA");
// Get a specific country by its 2 or 3 letters code
Country country = await cloudGeography.Countries.GetAsync("US");
// Get languages by a specific country
List<CountryLanguage> languages = await cloudGeography.Languages.GetByCountryAsync("USA");
// Get currencies by a specific country
List<CountryCurrency> currencies = await cloudGeography.Currencies.GetByCountryAsync("USA");
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